Sorry I've been sucking at updating this month! Everything that was new and exciting happened last month, haha.
So, I have five more days left until I'm back in Wisconsin, and a week until I start working at MNL again. That's kind of mind-blowing. Just a little. Just like that, two months have slipped away from me. There are things here that I've grown attached to that I'll miss dearly. The silent but ever-present silhouette of Gothic Mountain against the starriest sky you've ever seen, the way the mountains change daily, a whole community of people that love science and are interested to know more, the people I've met and befriended here, the marmots, the crazy parties where you can dance and laugh the night away, bonfires...
Sigh. The nostalgia is setting in already!
I've taken to napping a lot more than I did before. I think it's because I know I'm going home soon. That happens sometimes before I go home for vacations, too.
I'm really, really hoping I can hold out on the laundry! Five more days, clothes! Don't make me spend another $1.50 on you!
Song stuck in head: "37 Stitches" - Drowning Pool
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Here are the pictures I promised! This is the bear I saw today:
Just hangin' out up there.
Also, here are links to more photos. Here is the link to my first album in case you didn't see the ones I added since the last time I posted it:
Album One
And here's the link to the second album I started which includes the 4th of July, a mushroom full of maggots, and the bear:
Album Two
Current music: "Corporate America" - Boston

Also, here are links to more photos. Here is the link to my first album in case you didn't see the ones I added since the last time I posted it:
Album One
And here's the link to the second album I started which includes the 4th of July, a mushroom full of maggots, and the bear:
Album Two
Current music: "Corporate America" - Boston
The streets of gold I've yet to find.
EEEEE! *does the dance Grandma does when she beats everyone at Apples to Apples*
I get to see Grandma and Steve tomorrow! I'm excited. I get to see them, I get Wisconsin cheese, I get to go out and eat real food, I get to swim, I get to use a flushing toilet...What's not to look forward to?!
I saw a bear today on my way to the research plot! I got pictures. I didn't think it was a bear at first because I was looking through my bug net trying to find the game trail that goes through the willows so you don't have to climb through them all wishing you had a machete (I may be the only person that knows about said trail). I saw it and thought, "Oh, that looks like a bear." But it didn't register because there are a lot of stumps or misshapen rocks that look like bears at first so they're nothing to get excited about. And then I actually LOOKED at it and realized it WAS a bear! It was sitting or standing, relaxed, quite indifferent to my presence, way up at the start of the willows next to the ravine. I was just looking around, surveying Snodgrass like "Hey guys. Whatcha doin?" I'm sure it saw me before I saw it since it was higher up, but it neither ran nor came closer, and I didn't feel threatened. It couldn't smell me so at least it saw me. We were at a comfortable distance - close enough to see but far enough not to be afraid, for both of us. It was pretty exciting! :D Very neat. I will post pictures, maybe later tonight, and then I'll post the link to another album on Facebook for everyone to look at.
Yay, out to CB tonight for a couple drinks with friends! I need it after today. It was a very long day on the research plot. Not terribly difficult or evil, just very long.
Current music: "Tomorrow Comes A Day Too Soon" - Flogging Molly
I get to see Grandma and Steve tomorrow! I'm excited. I get to see them, I get Wisconsin cheese, I get to go out and eat real food, I get to swim, I get to use a flushing toilet...What's not to look forward to?!
I saw a bear today on my way to the research plot! I got pictures. I didn't think it was a bear at first because I was looking through my bug net trying to find the game trail that goes through the willows so you don't have to climb through them all wishing you had a machete (I may be the only person that knows about said trail). I saw it and thought, "Oh, that looks like a bear." But it didn't register because there are a lot of stumps or misshapen rocks that look like bears at first so they're nothing to get excited about. And then I actually LOOKED at it and realized it WAS a bear! It was sitting or standing, relaxed, quite indifferent to my presence, way up at the start of the willows next to the ravine. I was just looking around, surveying Snodgrass like "Hey guys. Whatcha doin?" I'm sure it saw me before I saw it since it was higher up, but it neither ran nor came closer, and I didn't feel threatened. It couldn't smell me so at least it saw me. We were at a comfortable distance - close enough to see but far enough not to be afraid, for both of us. It was pretty exciting! :D Very neat. I will post pictures, maybe later tonight, and then I'll post the link to another album on Facebook for everyone to look at.
Yay, out to CB tonight for a couple drinks with friends! I need it after today. It was a very long day on the research plot. Not terribly difficult or evil, just very long.
Current music: "Tomorrow Comes A Day Too Soon" - Flogging Molly
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I got a brand new attitude, and I'm gonna wear it today.
Holy storm! It's thundering, lightening, pouring, the whole bit. I unplugged my computer and cell phone charger so that if the electricity got zapped I wouldn't lose my lap top or cell phone. I got some laundry done, and came up JUST in time not to get poured on.
This all also means that my wireless connection is a tad questionable, but it seems alright for now.
I've spent much of the day reading. I couldn't find anyone that was going into town or anything, and I didn't feel like hiking - especially alone. I do that pretty much every day. And now I'm glad I didn't go on a long hike, considering the weather. I hope that everyone doing the overnight hike to the hot springs and Pyramid is alright. I'd hate for anyone to slip on wet rocks or get zapped. :[
I like the storm though. It jazzes up the weather which has been sunny this week, and it's fun to listen to. I love that cramping release that is the sound of thunder, when it makes the floor under your feet vibrate. We had one boom that came an instant after the lightning so you know it's right overhead. Though maybe it's starting to calm down. And maybe it'll start up again. We'll see!
There was a dance party last night. That was fun to go to for a while. I like to dance! Though the music was mostly rap stuff - could have been a little better. Tonight I guess there's another theme party: Vikings v. Amazons. Hah. I dunno how people are gonna come up with ideas for that, but you can bet that some people are going to have the most ridiculous costumes. As for me, I'm not going dressed in a skirt and bra, so I'll just go dressed as me. That's going to have to suffice. Maybe I'll go the other way and dress as a Viking. If I can find anything Viking-like. Pfft.
I'm gonna enjoy the storm now. This calls for tea, methinks. I've started to drink a lot of it. Maybe I'll try Earl Grey with milk and sugar as Kelsea suggested.
Current music: "So What" - Pink
[Edit:] So that boom I mentioned that was right overhead? It hit the dining hall while Jamie was in it! Crazy!
This all also means that my wireless connection is a tad questionable, but it seems alright for now.
I've spent much of the day reading. I couldn't find anyone that was going into town or anything, and I didn't feel like hiking - especially alone. I do that pretty much every day. And now I'm glad I didn't go on a long hike, considering the weather. I hope that everyone doing the overnight hike to the hot springs and Pyramid is alright. I'd hate for anyone to slip on wet rocks or get zapped. :[
I like the storm though. It jazzes up the weather which has been sunny this week, and it's fun to listen to. I love that cramping release that is the sound of thunder, when it makes the floor under your feet vibrate. We had one boom that came an instant after the lightning so you know it's right overhead. Though maybe it's starting to calm down. And maybe it'll start up again. We'll see!
There was a dance party last night. That was fun to go to for a while. I like to dance! Though the music was mostly rap stuff - could have been a little better. Tonight I guess there's another theme party: Vikings v. Amazons. Hah. I dunno how people are gonna come up with ideas for that, but you can bet that some people are going to have the most ridiculous costumes. As for me, I'm not going dressed in a skirt and bra, so I'll just go dressed as me. That's going to have to suffice. Maybe I'll go the other way and dress as a Viking. If I can find anything Viking-like. Pfft.
I'm gonna enjoy the storm now. This calls for tea, methinks. I've started to drink a lot of it. Maybe I'll try Earl Grey with milk and sugar as Kelsea suggested.
Current music: "So What" - Pink
[Edit:] So that boom I mentioned that was right overhead? It hit the dining hall while Jamie was in it! Crazy!
Friday, July 10, 2009
You're c-c-c-calling, but I can't hear you!
Adam! When I get home, let's play a lot of video games and eat munchy foods that aren't bad for us (aka not pocky because I'll eat the whole box in one go). Kthx.
I lost my bug net. I was going to write a eulogy but Chris gave me a replacement. Bug nets that go over your head are annoying because you can't see anything. Especially if the sun is shining on it and the net deflects the light right into your eyes. The funny part, though, is when a snipe fly gets caught inside the net. You'd think it would be bad, but it's kind of silly. They stop caring so much about whether or not they can bite you and become preoccupied with getting out. I'm quite happy to oblige.
So here's my costume for the Fourth of July parade:
Here's what I looked like after the water fight:
Drawn by yours truly, inspired by the awesome endangered boreal toad. This is the image that's going on this year's RMBL t-shirt, so if you want one, tell me! I get one for free, as the winner. Baha. Suckas.
Current music: "Calling" - Taproot
I lost my bug net. I was going to write a eulogy but Chris gave me a replacement. Bug nets that go over your head are annoying because you can't see anything. Especially if the sun is shining on it and the net deflects the light right into your eyes. The funny part, though, is when a snipe fly gets caught inside the net. You'd think it would be bad, but it's kind of silly. They stop caring so much about whether or not they can bite you and become preoccupied with getting out. I'm quite happy to oblige.
So here's my costume for the Fourth of July parade:

Current music: "Calling" - Taproot
Saturday, July 4, 2009
We'll put a boot in your ass - it's the American way!
Today's the day: Fire, exploding fire, a lot of alcohol, sassy country music, and a whole lot of other things that are fun but aren't good for you.
I didn't get very much sleep - less than five hours' worth - but I got up to watch Jamie start the 41st(?) annual 1/3rd Marathon and to hug her and wish her good luck. Which I did, and then I said, "Just go kick the other kid's butt!" Her response? "But I don't wanna kick the other kid's butt!"
Props if you know what movie that's from.
Anyway, the parade starts at 11, and RMBL is prepared to dress up in costumes of "veratrum" (false skunk cabbage) to parade down the street chanting and playing random instruments. No, I'm not bringing my mother's guitar. My voice is good enough, I figure. There will be pictures of me dressed in leaves. Not just leaves. I promise. Though some people do do that. Sonja and I had to find a ride, so she asked Kevin and I asked Zac and we both found one. I felt bad when I knocked on Zac's door!! He was in bed!! But he said it was alright because he was awake and just didn't want to get up yet. I still felt bad haha.
And of course, after the parade, I am wearing red, white, and blue. :]
Current music: "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue" - Toby Keith
This entry dedicated to Grandpa Jackson since I am thinking about him today. <3 We miss you!!
Today's the day: Fire, exploding fire, a lot of alcohol, sassy country music, and a whole lot of other things that are fun but aren't good for you.
I didn't get very much sleep - less than five hours' worth - but I got up to watch Jamie start the 41st(?) annual 1/3rd Marathon and to hug her and wish her good luck. Which I did, and then I said, "Just go kick the other kid's butt!" Her response? "But I don't wanna kick the other kid's butt!"
Props if you know what movie that's from.
Anyway, the parade starts at 11, and RMBL is prepared to dress up in costumes of "veratrum" (false skunk cabbage) to parade down the street chanting and playing random instruments. No, I'm not bringing my mother's guitar. My voice is good enough, I figure. There will be pictures of me dressed in leaves. Not just leaves. I promise. Though some people do do that. Sonja and I had to find a ride, so she asked Kevin and I asked Zac and we both found one. I felt bad when I knocked on Zac's door!! He was in bed!! But he said it was alright because he was awake and just didn't want to get up yet. I still felt bad haha.
And of course, after the parade, I am wearing red, white, and blue. :]
Current music: "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue" - Toby Keith
This entry dedicated to Grandpa Jackson since I am thinking about him today. <3 We miss you!!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Sorry I haven't posted much lately. I haven't had much to say because it's all sort of been routine.
I am having a bad day. In general, all around. It's one of those days where by afternoon your sole desire is to crawl in bed and stay there. The research plot was a jerk, I got rained on and didn't finish (only to have it be sunny once I finally got home), I have some personal stuff going on, I got some new bruises and ran into stinging nettles that still make my hand hurt even though it's from this morning. It was one of those days where everything that could go wrong did. Except I didn't get eaten by a bear and I'm still alive. Those are good things.
Some of the plants on Snodgrass are up to my face now. That's not saying much considering my height, but still. I feel like I work in a jungle sometimes. The insects like to play jungle with me too, but I could do without them. The snipe flies still aren't out, which means I go out every day in anticipation, waiting for the day that I get attacked ruthlessly. It will be like Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds, except with flies. I am sure of it.
I think people are going out to the bars tonight? I have not had the Crested Butte bar experience, which is apparently essential, so I'll go if they're going. We'll see. It feels like Friday already, except Friday is tomorrow. It's supposed to rain tomorrow again too, probably worse and harder than today. Blaaahhh. I don't know. Maybe I'll fall asleep and try to wake up in Wonder Land with my cat who is not named Dinah.
It's raining again.
I am having a bad day. In general, all around. It's one of those days where by afternoon your sole desire is to crawl in bed and stay there. The research plot was a jerk, I got rained on and didn't finish (only to have it be sunny once I finally got home), I have some personal stuff going on, I got some new bruises and ran into stinging nettles that still make my hand hurt even though it's from this morning. It was one of those days where everything that could go wrong did. Except I didn't get eaten by a bear and I'm still alive. Those are good things.
Some of the plants on Snodgrass are up to my face now. That's not saying much considering my height, but still. I feel like I work in a jungle sometimes. The insects like to play jungle with me too, but I could do without them. The snipe flies still aren't out, which means I go out every day in anticipation, waiting for the day that I get attacked ruthlessly. It will be like Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds, except with flies. I am sure of it.
I think people are going out to the bars tonight? I have not had the Crested Butte bar experience, which is apparently essential, so I'll go if they're going. We'll see. It feels like Friday already, except Friday is tomorrow. It's supposed to rain tomorrow again too, probably worse and harder than today. Blaaahhh. I don't know. Maybe I'll fall asleep and try to wake up in Wonder Land with my cat who is not named Dinah.
It's raining again.
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