So now I'm just hoping to make really, really good friends with someone who has a shower and possibly hot water - the indoor toilet is something I can do without. And I may never shave unless I can find hot water, because razors + goosebumps = profuse bleeding; and frankly, I'd rather look like one of the bears by the end of the summer than need skin grafts.
Also, since I don't want to write another post for this, I'll just add it. Chris responded to more of my questions. He knows one of the researchers I'll be living with, Jamie Winternitz, and he says "she is great." The other people I'll be living with are her assistant and someone by the last name of Clarke, all women. He also assures me that Gothic has all the basic stuff - electricity, showers, running water, washing machines, clotheslines, and high speed internet. He says "there's a nice shower facility in the townsite and a couple of other showers scattered around." Looks like I'll be shaving after all!
But can I still growl like a bear? Please? It'd be fun. *raaar*
Currently listening to: "A Praise Chorus" - Jimmy Eat World