I will be living in Enders Cabin with about three cabin mates. I'll have a great view of Gothic Mountain but I have to walk up a big hill to get to my cabin. As though I weren't already used to that with the campus hill we have here! Copper Creek runs down the slope below the cabin, so I get to listen to running water 24/7. No evil morning bird distractions for me! Take THAT, mourning doves!
Do they have mourning doves in Colorado?
At any rate, he

At least, I hope so.
I'll be home this weekend overnight to grab some of my bedding and such that I have to give to Chris so he can drive it out there for me. I'll probably just send my sleeping bag, pillow, blankets, sheets, coat(s), and guitar out with him. That's all the bulky stuff that would be a pain to send via plane. The rest of the stuff I can pack in a suitcase and it'll be mostly clothes, toiletries, and knitting supplies. The truckloads of bug spray and sunscreen should arrive via semi shortly after the plane lands in Denver.
Just kidding, of course. But wouldn't that be epic?
Alright, I have to go to the dumbest class in the world. I will check you guys later. In the meantime, this is too adorable to resist sharing: xoxoxo.
Currently listening to: "So Cold" - Breaking Benjamin
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